Heather Ham-Warren

State Of The Union Guests Speak Volumes About Trump, Democrat Priorities

In January, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rescinded her invitation to President Trump to deliver the State of the…

Congress Continues to Jumble Immigration Priorities

Congress is inappropriately looking to provide a special immigration carve out for a single foreign nation.

Déjà Vu: Republican Leadership Punts on Wall Funding, Again

There is tons of support for a southern border wall but Replubican leadership keeps punting the issue.

Caravan Reiterates Need to Fix Asylum Laws

The migrant caravan from Honduras heading towards the US serves as a reminder that the US's asylum laws need to…

There Is an Attorney General, Mr. President

The relationship between Trump and Sessions appears to be on the rocks based on some tweets by the president.