Matt O'Brien

But He’s Still In the Country Illegally!

With the Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez case, many mainstream media outlets are forgetting that we are a nation of laws. ICE is…

Naked Idiocy in New York

Many fear that Times Square is subtly reverting back to it's old ways. Times Square's slight decline in family friendly…

San Antonio Deaths: Blame those Who Encourage Illegal Migration, Not Trump or the Border Patrol

We put laws in place to deter undesirable behavior. And generally speaking, it’s bad policy to repeal laws because they…

The Never Ending Story: Immigration and Judicial Activism

A Detroit judge recently stopped the deportation of 1,444 Iraqi nationals. This represents another example of judicial activism trying to…

Students of Terror: F-1 Program Is Still a Serious National Security Threat

Even after the devastating events of 9/11, foreign nationals still disappear after entering the U.S. on student visas.