Asylum & Refugees

American Values and Refugee Resettlement

U.S. media outlets relentlessly tout this country’s refugee-resettlement programs as representing “American Values.”

Crazy Rich Asians Not the Only Ones Coming to America

Stricter rules to prevent immigrants from landing as “public charges” on government assistance could upgrade the financial profile of new…

DACA 101: Online threats may lead to deportation

A Texas tweet storm is brewing over the detention of a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) recipient in…

Judge Changes Mind on Full DACA Restart

The Trump administration’s battle over the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program was awarded a small victory…

Illegals demand right to life, liberty and perfectly-set thermostats

Illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol while crossing into the United States are complaining that their holding cells are…

Media Ignores Crisis Of Indian Illegal Immigrants

As the media floods the airwaves with coverage of Central American migrants, they have all but ignored a major development…

ACLU loses grip on reality – and the law

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has never been an organization noted for applying sound logic to policy problems. Nevertheless,…

Endless Protests Fall on Deaf Ears

No sooner had we heard that ICE had undertaken enforcement operations in Nebraska and that the administration was proposing that…

U.S. Attorney blasts Philly mayor over sanctuary insanity

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney performed a celebration dance in June when a federal judge ruled the Department of Justice (DOJ)…

Memo to DHS: Next time try

U.S. taxpayers are shouldering ever-increasing costs for the care and feeding of minors grabbed up at the border. The cost…