
ICE Adds ‘Force Multipliers’ to Corral Criminal Aliens

Despite some defections, a program to identify and detain criminal aliens is growing across the U.S. The number of local…

ICE Catches Up With Criminal Alien After Deadly Crash

After four arrests – the latest involving a highway collision that killed three people – a Mexican national living illegally…

MS-13 Remains an Ever-Present – and Expanding – Threat to Communities Nationwide

Two years ago, the ruthless MS-13 gang was at the center of the ongoing national debate over illegal immigration and…

Antifa Builds Border Wall and Recruits Armed Border Patrol

Antifa and many of the other groups now calling on political leaders to “defund the police” were also at the…

Immigration Crimes Surpass Drugs as Most Common Federal Crime

When one thinks of what constitutes a “federal crime,” it’s easy to conjure up movie-plot scenarios of bank robberies, gun-runners,…

Kenyan Gets ICE’s Attention After Serial Slayings in Texas

Kenyan national Billy Chemirmir eluded deportation proceedings after a series of arrests in Texas. Now that he stands accused of…

The Danger of Sanctuary Policies Demonstrated in a Single Incident

On Thursday morning, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents attempted to take custody of a twice-deported illegal alien at his…

An Avoidable Death Highlights NYC’s Willful Blindness to Sanctuary Threat

On the evening of January 6, Maria Fuertes, a 92-year-old known in her Queens, New York neighborhood as the “cat…

Call Mexico’s Cartels What They Are: Terrorists

Mexican drug cartels, enriched by illegal immigration, dodged a bullet when President Donald Trump announced he would hold off on…

The Cato Institute’s Factually Flawed Attitude Toward Terrorism is Disturbing

On December 9, a Saudi national opened fire at a naval air station in Pensacola, Florida, killing three people and…