One of the lead stories on the July third edition of the Boston Globe looked at how the ICE Secure Communities program unfairly targets illegal aliens.…
Browsing: Crime
Boston Globe Misleads Readers on Immigration Enforcement
ICE Agents Slam Latest Non-Enforcement Policy
The national union of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, representing some 7,000 members, has attacked the recent policy announcement of ICE director John Morton that…
Will the Media Mind Terribly If We Say We Told Them So?
FAIR has appeared this year on a number of major TV news networks to refute the Obama Administration’s claim that immigration enforcement has been rising. Despite…
The Administration’s Bad Faith Immigration Policy
Would any immigration legislation that grants amnesty to current illegal aliens in exchange for future commitments to enforce our immigration laws be worth the paper it…
If Our Borders are “More Secure than They’ve Ever Been” Why is Officer Kevin Will Dead?
Last month, President Obama stood at the border in El Paso, Texas, and mocked those who are concerned that America’s borders are not being adequately protected.…