Jobs & Economy

Border Wall or Mandatory E-Verify?

Which is more important to deterring illegal entry, a wall on the southern border or making the E-Verify system mandatory?…

Indians Hit H-1B Lottery Jackpot, Again

India wins again with H-1Bs. While American workers are hit hard again by this work visa lottery.

Industry Group Reacts in Horror: Ending DACA Will Put a ¼ of 1 Percent Dent in Economy (and That Claim Isn’t Even True)

Don't fall for the grandiose claims made by some media outlets and open border advocates about the economic impact of…

CNBC to the Trump Administration: Stop Deporting Illegal Aliens, You’re Hurting Apparel and Footwear Sales!

CNBC recently tried to further the hysterical about immigration enforcement by claiming illegal aliens are spending less on material items.…

Texas: Where E-Verify Goes to Die

Texas has turned a blind eye to illegal alien hiring within its borders by rejecting E-Verify.

Flummoxed by Facts, Immigration Lobby Doubles Down on Bad Policy

With the newly proposed RAISE Act some still deny that there is a correlation between immigrants and undercut American workers.…

Using ‘Weasel Words” to Depict the Supposed Benefits of Immigration

In a recent article by Lena Groeger certain words were used to convey the false impression that immigration is an…

Same Song, 2nd Verse: The Fallacy that Mass Immigration is Needed for a Healthy Economy

The economic argument for mass immigration is a form of Ponzi scheme that commits the United States to a never-ending…

Trump Administration Ignores Blue Collar American Workers, Adds 15,000 H-2B Visas

The Trump administration has decided to issue 15,000 additional H-2B foreign worker visas through the end of September, the Department…

Congress Passes the Buck for Cheap Worker Visas

U.S. employers are clamoring for yet more temporary workers, and a compliant Congress is cynically tasking the Trump administration with…