Jobs & Economy

Americans: Overlooked and Underpaid

Without considering the needs of his fellow Americans, an activist farmer in Michigan is calling for blanket amnesty on behalf…

Trump administration seeks to end Obama-era program that favored foreign entrepreneurs

As Congress slow-walks and the courts slow-down much-needed immigration reforms, the Trump administration continues to utilize its regulatory powers to…

DHS Increases Immigration, Hoping Nobody Noticed

Late last Friday night, DHS announced an immediate increase of the H-2B visa cap.

Pigs Aren’t Flying, But Mother Jones and FAIR Agree on E-Verify

Here’s something you would probably never expect to read on FAIR’s blog site: Mother Jones is right! Here’s something you…

E-Verify and the Economy

I am not an economist, but I know that the economy is flexible and dynamic. It puts to use different…

Economist Lectures ‘Rich World’ on Immigration

Not for nothing is economics called the dismal science. Progressive journalists are its dreary, credulous handmaidens. So it was fitting…

Disney Wins and U.S. Workers Lose, Again

After a years-long legal fight, laid-off Disney Corp. employees this month dropped their case against the company’s practice of replacing…

Mass Immigration Eats Away at Wages

The latest glowing U.S. jobs report was tarnished by more depressing news on wages. They continue to flat-line. One reason…

Do We Really Have a “Labor Shortage” in the U.S., or Are We Manufacturing One?

It would not be a stretch to say that the nursing shortage is directly linked to foreign workers being brought…

Will She or Won’t She Throw American Workers Under the Bus?

Will Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen look out for the American worker?