
A Hollywood Darling is Beaten by the Texas Border

Despite a record $70 million and glowing press coverage, Texas Democrat Robert “Beto” O’Rourke came up.

Real-World Battles Over Immigration Enforcement are Found in Local Races

The choices facing voters on Tuesday in states across America will impact the direction of immigration policy and, in some…

Democrats Silent on Caravan

With the caravan of migrants approaching the US border, the Democrats have granted consent by virtue of what appears to…

Thanks Joe. Your Services Are No Longer Needed

New York Congressman Joe Crowley became the latest prominent Democrat to be devoured by his party’s radical immigration stances.

Outcry Over Immigration Policy is About Politics, Not Reality

Nancy Pelosi and team keep proving they really don't care about fixing our immigration laws.

Nikki Haley Tells the U.N. to Butt Out

Nikki Haley took on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) for its condemnation of…

In North Carolina sheriff’s races, immigration is the driving and dividing issue

Update: In the primaries held on May 8, both Mecklenburg County Sheriff Irwin Carmichael and Durham County Sheriff Mike Andrews…

ACLU (again) Defends Actual Lawbreakers While Stoking Fear About Fantasy Crimes

The ACLU is once again trying to obstruct the enforcement of existing laws and requesting the government to pay for…

Democratic National Committee’s Irresponsible Rhetoric on Immigration Enforcement

Enforcing immigration statutes and placing people who violate them in removal proceedings is ICE’s job. The DNC doesn't seem to…

Gov. Cuomo’s Pandering Gives Him No Sanctuary From Demands of Radical Open Border Groups

Cuomo has been courting the illegal alien special interests by bending to their every whim and whimper.