
Esther Cepeda: Amnesty Supporters Again Banking on Whole Enchilada

Esther Cepeda: Amnesty Supporters Again Banking on Whole Enchilada "At root, compromise is when everyone gets some of what they…

Five Reasons Republicans Will Self-Destruct if They Support Amnesty

Henry Louis Mencken once observed that for, “every problem there is a solution which is simple, clean and wrong.” In…

Obama Says Amnesty Bill Likely in January

'Recalibration' on Immigration? "In 2004, George W. Bush won 45 percent of the Hispanic vote, and it seemed that the…

Paul Mirengoff: Would the GOP Benefit from Amnesty?

Evangelical Groups Divided on Amnesty "An open letter from the group demanded that Mr. Obama and the heads of the…

Sens. Schumer, Graham Back With Amnesty Plan

Best Wishes from FAIR to all Veterans. Sens. Schumer, Graham Back With Amnesty Plan "Two senators on opposite sides of…