anchor babies

Anchor Babies Weigh Heavily On U.S.

Some 124,000 “anchor babies” -- children born to illegal aliens in this country – were delivered in the first five…

‘Birthright’ Babies Outnumbered Births in 16 States

Though births by illegal aliens are, by definition, difficult to quantify with exactitude, recent research estimates that 297,000 “birthright babies”…

Birthright Citizenship Simplified

Many in the media are overcomplicating birthright citizenship. Here is a simplified explanation of birthright citizenship.

Illegal Aliens Cash in on Tax Reform

The recent Republican tax reform package gives a tax credit to illegal aliens with American citizen children.

Immigration Screening Program Has 12% Failure Rate

Substantial Percentage of Those Deported Have Anchor Children "Roughly a quarter of all deportations over a recent two-year period were…