
Should the Central Americans Heading Our Way be Allowed to Apply for Asylum?

The carvana of migrants heading for the US are planning on claiming asylum when they get here. Will it work?

No Border Wall Can Stop This Caravan

1,500 Central American migrants caravanning through Mexico on their way to U.S. ports of entry to claim asylum.

Obama Is Letting Aliens With Bogus Asylum Claims Into The United States

The Washington Times recently published an informative piece on political asylum by immigration reporter Stephen Dinan. It casts light on…

Divergent Asylum Outcomes

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on November 14 entitled “Asylum: Variation Exists in Outcomes of Applications Across…

Asylum Requests: History Repeating?

Although it is characterized in the media as a new phenomenon of aliens showing up at the border and requesting…