
Texan Officials Testify State is Overwhelmed by Border Crisis

On July 3, the House Homeland Security Committee held a field hearing in Texas on the unaccompanied minor surge in…

What are the Responsibilities of the Governments of the Sending Countries in the Border Crisis?

While the focus of the current border crisis has been on what actions the receiving nation, the United States, should…

American Politicians Won’t Call It ‘Amnesty,’ but Illegal Border Crossers Do

In America, amnesty proponents on both sides of the aisle have long avoided the term “amnesty” like vampires avoid a…

Crisis on the Border: Is There an End Game?

The national media have finally begun to pay attention to the latest immigration crisis on our border, but only because…

The (Il)logic of Open-Border Libertarians

As more and more Americans, especially younger Americans, reject the politics of the two dominant parties, libertarianism is attracting more…