border fence

Biden: “Not Another Foot of Wall if I’m Elected”

Presidential aspirant Joe Biden promised the nation that while he will not tear down any of the existing border wall…

Illegal Aliens Take Aim at Texas Cops

It’s starting to look like open season on Texas cops, with illegal aliens pulling the triggers. Josue Daniel Claros-Trajedo, 19,…

Without a Wall, U.S. Border Remains Open Door to Illegal Alien Felons

Deporting convicted illegal alien criminals – and keeping them out of the United States for good – is tougher than…

Texas Won’t Raise the Ante at Border

A Texas plan to add $100 million for border “surge operations” was heading toward approval in the closing hours of…

Barrier Leads to Apparent Decline in El Paso Property Crimes

There was a time when residents of El Paso, Texas, felt unsafe. Property crime plagued the city.  Thousands of times…