Border Patrol Agents

ICE and CBP Agents Deployed To Help Stem Riots and Looting

Following the police-involved death of George Floyd on Memorial Day, protests erupted throughout the United States. In addition to peaceful…

Immigration Officials on the Front Lines Deserve Protection Too

As the COVID-19 outbreak worsens in our country, it remains imperative to keep the health interests of immigration officials in…

ProPublica’s “Big Story” Is More Than a Little Wrong

Radical news outlet ProPublica is currently running a scare piece claiming, “Border agents can now get classified intelligence information. Experts…

CBP: The Real Heroes of the Border Crisis

The Washington Post recently featured an article discussing the Department of Homeland Security’s surge shelters for unaccompanied alien children (UAC).…

ICE Chief: ‘We Cannot Secure the Border in a Meaningful Way’

With much angst on display, a national Border Security Expo didn’t offer much sense of security this week in San…