border security

An Impending Guacamole Blockade?

The United States is in the midst of an ongoing border crisis. And, in response, President Trump has considered ordering…

Can the President Shut Down the Border?

In response to the endless stream of Central American migrants currently attempting to access the U.S. by any means, lawful…

ICE Chief: ‘We Cannot Secure the Border in a Meaningful Way’

With much angst on display, a national Border Security Expo didn’t offer much sense of security this week in San…

Barrier Leads to Apparent Decline in El Paso Property Crimes

There was a time when residents of El Paso, Texas, felt unsafe. Property crime plagued the city.  Thousands of times…

With Coyotes and Greyhounds, Illegal Aliens Ride Deeper Into U.S.

As border crossings surge at the southern border, greater numbers of illegal aliens and asylum seekers are taking buses into…