border security

Visas: The Ebola Elephant in the Room

While CNN books guests to discuss the minutia of whether latex, nitrile rubber or vinyl and neoprene gloves are best…

This is No Time to Relax Security for Illegal Border Crossers

As Texas Governor Rick Perry recently pointed out, because the surge of unaccompanied minors has caused a crisis situation at…

Dan Stein: Secrecy of Fed Government Over Border Crisis is ‘Outrageous’

Noted investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson recently spoke with FAIR’s president, Dan Stein, about the secretive reactions of the federal government…

One Year Later: S.744’s Approach to Immigration Reform Failed Without Being Enacted

One year ago today, the Senate passed S.744, a massive bill that supporters claim would provide a comprehensive fix to…

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Secure Our Borders

The last time our government measured border security, only 13 percent of our borders are under “operational control.” That is…