border security

DHS: Don’t Bother Us With Details, We Have Enough Security

The federal government’s watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), just released a report on progress by the states in…

Retired Border Patrol Agent Says Government Lacks the Will, Not the Ability to Deal with Illegal Immigration

FAIR has long argued that we should deport illegal aliens when they are apprehended, while discouraging the rest from remaining…

Is the Border Under Control?

One statistic does not prove a trend, but the federal government is currently citing a significant increase in illegal aliens…

Another Headscratching Comment from an Open Borders Politician

Last month, on the same day that the Supreme Court was hearing oral arguments about the constitutionality of Arizona’s SB…

‘Moats,’ ‘Alligators,’ and the Politics of Border Security

Mexico’s drug cartels have been battling each other in a furious, violent, and bloody war that has been going on…