The illegal alien ethnic advocacy group CASA In Action is running a Facebook ad accusing a Republican candidate running for a District Supervisor seat in Fairfax…
Browsing: campaign
CASA in Action slanders Virginia immigrant candidate as … “anti-immigrant”
How Immigration is Shaping Up as a 2016 Campaign Issue
Many Republican candidates in Thursday night’s debates have shifted positions markedly to the “better controls” position on immigration of late – although John Kasich is still…
Evangelical Amnesty Boosters Begin Ad Campaign
Evangelical Amnesty Boosters Begin Ad Campaign “A coalition of evangelical Christians will spend more than $400,000 on radio ads urging members of Congress to support immigration…
New Ad Campaign Tries to Push Amnesty on GOP
New Ad Campaign Tries to Push Amnesty on GOP “As an overhaul of immigration laws shifts to the House, a right-leaning group is launching a new…
Is the Campaign for Amnesty the New Civil Rights Movement?
At the march on the Capitol this week to demand adoption of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty) a prominent speaker was Benjamin Jealous, president and CEO…