chain migration

Scrubbing the English Language of Meaning: “Chain Migration” Now an Offensive Term

The removing of the term "Chain Migration" marks another casualty in the ability to properly discuss immigration.

Trump to Democrats: You’ve Got 13 Years to Restore Chain Migration

Schumer and his allies will have 13 years to reinstitute family chain migration before the current family chain migration system…

DACA Negotiations Ignore the National Interest

DACA negotiations are heating up but they are ignoring what the people really want.

New Poll Shows Americans Want Merit-Based Immigration, With Much Lower Overall Levels of Immigration

A new Harvard-Harris poll  shows strong support for doing away with the old system of chain migration in favor of…

Trump Administration Amplifies Push to End Chain Migration and Visa Lottery After Attack

After the most recent terror attack in New York, the Trump administration has pushed again to end chain migration and…