Charles Schumer

Senate Proposals Would Dramatically Increase Illegal Immigration at the Expense of Americans’ Economic and National Security

Four Senate proposals would lead to increased illegal immigration and fail to mitigate the damage done to the United States.

Schumer Issues Threat to House

Senators Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) continue to demand the House take up the Senate-passed immigration bill, S.…

Schumer Offers Republicans ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ Immigration Deal

"It is no secret that John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the House Republican leadership want to cut an immigration deal that…

Dan Stein Op-Ed: How Sen. Schumer Set the Amnesty Trap

From Dan Stein's Latest Op-Ed: Whatever else one might think about Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), we can all agree that…

Chuck Schumer Says The Era of Big Government Has Returned

Bill Clinton, January 23, 1996: “The Era of Big Government is Over” Chuck Schumer, January 23, 2014: The Era of…