Fake News in a Time of Crisis

In an egregious example of fake news, The Boston Globe recently blurred the line between reporting and editorializing to complain…

If You Can’t Dazzle Them With Brilliance, Baffle Them With…Statistics

Quartz, an online media outlet for international business professionals,styles itself as a provider of, “bracingly creative and intelligent journalism that’s…

Coronavirus Amnesty and Other Unhealthy Treatments

Exploiting America’s coronavirus epidemic, some are using the crisis to push for more immigration and a new amnesty program. The…

State and Local Politicians Move to Grant Coronavirus Relief to Illegal Aliens

State and local open borders politicians are moving to grant coronavirus relief to illegal aliens, despite millions of Americans continuing…

Give illegal aliens checks and stop building the wall?

Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama’s former chief of staff, famously said in 2008 that one should “never allow a crisis…