Customs and Border Protection

Five Border Detention Facilities Get Clean Bills of Health

A year after U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facilities were overwhelmed by waves of illegal aliens, conditions have improved…

‘Tip of the Spear’ Cuts CBP Hiring Contract Short

Cutting its losses, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) ended its $297 million contract with a hiring company that wasn’t…

Immigration Enforcement on Buses: the Open-Borders Crowd’s Next So-Called “Outrage”?

Where upholding our country’s laws would, for some reason, be yet again some kind of inhumane outrage?

Concrete and Steel Would Protect our Border Patrol from Thrown Bricks and Stones

Sadly yet another instance of a thrown-projectile assault on Border Patrol agents was reported recently.

U.S. Gives Illegal Aliens $29 Million in Prescription Drug Benefits

Law-breaking by illegal aliens may start at the border, but continues… all the way to the pharmacy counter.  Although federal…