Texas Should Reinstate Its Suit Challenging DACA

As one lawsuit drops more begin. Some states are beginning to fight for the unconstitutional program known as DACA.

Et Tu Judge Napolitano? Conservatives Who’ve Gone Soft on Immigration Violators

Why are so many willing to look past the rule of law when it comes to the unconstitutional nature of…

Things Americans Should Know About DACA

Most of the DACA recipients are not “kids.” The average age of the DACA “kids” is approximately 20 years old.

Industry Group Reacts in Horror: Ending DACA Will Put a ¼ of 1 Percent Dent in Economy (and That Claim Isn’t Even True)

Don't fall for the grandiose claims made by some media outlets and open border advocates about the economic impact of…

The DREAM Act – Second Verse, Same as the First

Are the Republicans refusing to learn from their past? It seems like they’re lurching toward another disastrous illegal alien amnesty.