Dan Stein

One Year Later: S.744’s Approach to Immigration Reform Failed Without Being Enacted

One year ago today, the Senate passed S.744, a massive bill that supporters claim would provide a comprehensive fix to…

Obama Responds To Border Crisis by Ordering Even More Incentives for Illegal Entry

FAIR issued the following press statement regarding the renewing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the midst of a crisis…

35 Years of Population Growth

We are surely in a new era in our national discourse. When FAIR was founded 35 years ago, it was…

Talk Radio Hosts Go to DC to Send a Wake Up Call on Immigration

Hold Their Feet to the Fire 2014, an annual radio row organized by FAIR may be one of this year's…

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Implement a System Based on Merit

Implement a merit-based immigration system: Our immigration system should choose immigrants based on an objective assessment of who is most…