deferred action

Move Over Chicken Little. Maine’s Business Leaders Have Got You Beat

The headline of a Bangor Daily News op-ed reads, “Maine needs immigrants to avert an economic crisis.” The opinion piece…

Liberians Employ Unique Logic to Prevent Termination of Deferred Enforced Departure

Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), similar to Temporary Protected Status (TPS), allows foreign nationals to remain in the United States temporarily…

IRLI Prepares Brief in Support of Case Challenging Obama Amnesty Plan

This week the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed a motion for permission to file its friend-of-the-court brief  in the…

#2 of 5 – Five Things the Republican Congress Must Do in 2015 (with Resources)

This Blog is taken from Five Things the Republican Congress Must Do in 2015. Stein: Congress Must Respond to 'Deferred Action'…

We heard the President, but did he hear the American people?

President Obama addressed the nation this past Thursday to talk about his Deferred Action Program for Illegal Aliens. Numerous analyses…