Attorney General William Barr gave notice on Monday that the Justice Department would be taking a set actions which “represent significant escalation” of existing efforts “to…
Browsing: Department of Justice
Justice Department Readies a Significant Escalation to Counter Sanctuary Policies
Justice Department Prepared to Take Sanctuary City Fight to the Supreme Court
Justice Department’s authority to withhold funding from Chicago as a consequence of its sanctuary policies could be on its way to the Supreme Court.
Sanctuary Mayors Boycott White House Meeting Claiming They were Threatened by Justice Department
Several mayors across the country are choosing to reject the enforcement of our immigration laws and will not comply with federal immigration officials.
The Monumental Chutzpah of the Administration’s Challenge to Judge Hanen’s Injunction of Executive Amnesty
Pardon my Yiddish, but the English language just doesn’t have a word that captures…well, the monumental chutzpah of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) emergency motion asking…
The Justice Department Appears to be on the Right Side for a Change
According to a May 23 USA Today story, the Justice Department has taken the side of an employee of Whiz International, a staffing company in New…