
The Very Strange Case of Sudhish Kasaba Ramesh

It is not unusual in and of itself to hear of a disgruntled employee taking revenge against their former company.…

A Wall-Less Border is a Revolving Door for Criminal Illegal Aliens

In a previous blog, I demonstrated – using the cases of actual illegal alien felons – that a porous, unsecured,…

Democratic Candidates Go Off Deep End On Deportation

While Congress's recent $4.6 billion humanitarian aid package falls well short of addressing America's border crisis, Democratic presidential aspirants are…

Kamala Harris And Her Twisted Logic on Deportations

Immediately after President Donald Trump announced that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will soon start deporting illegal aliens who have…

Marijuana Crimes Are Still a Deportable Offense Under Federal Law

A number of states have recently amended their laws to “de-criminalize” the possession and distribution of marijuana. As FAIR has…