Will She or Won’t She Throw American Workers Under the Bus?

Will Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen look out for the American worker?

As New Immigrants Struggle, DHS Eyes ‘Public Charge’ Reform

Recent rosy reports touting the educational attainment of new U.S. immigrants ignores the harder facts.

Obama Judge Turns Back Wall Bangers

Judge Gonzalo Curiel has ruled that the DHS has broad authority to issue waivers to construct border barriers.

Senator Warns DHS About Dangerous Lapses in Student Visa Program Oversight

The number of foreign student visa had fallen and few are asking whether that might actually be a good thing.

For Hire: CBP Pays H-1B Specialist to Recruit Officers

The shorthanded U.S. Customs and Border Protection is banking on a headhunting contract that runs $40,000 per hire.