
Missouri Committee Advances E-Verify Bill

The Missouri Special Committee on Employment Security passed House Bill 264 this week to require all employers in Missouri to…

Accomplices in Crime: American Businesses Help Illegal Aliens Commit Identity Fraud, Bypass American Labor Laws

The vast majority of illegal aliens, legal immigrants and guest workers come to America understanding that they will most likely…

Thank Gov. Haslam for Strengthening E-Verify in Tennessee

Congratulations! Because of your hard work Governor Haslam approved Senate Bill 1965 (SB 1965) with its companion House Bill 1830 (HB 1830) last week!…

Legal Victory in Oregon Makes Ballot Referendum Regarding Illegal Employment Clearer to Voters

Stopping illegal immigrants from using fraudulent paperwork to get jobs is easy to do: the federal government established the E-Verify…