
Former Administration Economist Asserts Economic Benefits of Amnesty

NBC-Latino highlights the efforts of Adriana Kugler, a Colombian-American who until recently was chief economist at the U.S. Department of…

Immigration as a Boost to the Economy?

The high-immigration lobby has begun churning out reports on how increased immigration can benefit the economy. Typical of these reports…

Will Robots and Immigrants Revitalize American Manufacturing?

More details about the Bangladeshi man accused of plotting to blow up the Federal Reserve are likely to emerge today.…

How Much do ‘Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ Really Contribute to the U.S. Economy

A recently released report by the Fiscal Policy Institute “Immigrant Small Business Owners: A Significant and Growing Part of the…

Do We Really Need to Expand Immigration in the Name of Economic Prosperity?

A new effort is under way to justify an expansion of immigrant admissions as necessary to stimulate new U.S. economic…