Federation for American Immigration Reform

Chinese Student Visa Holders Suspected of Espionage in 25 Cities

In an effort to combat Chinese espionage in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recently launched…

Excluding Illegal Aliens from Congressional Reapportionment Is Common Sense

On July 21, President Trump issued a memorandum to the Secretary of Commerce to exclude illegal aliens from the congressional…

U.S. Cracks Down on False Asylum Claims from India

A little-publicized but fast-growing group of migrants attempting to enter the U.S. through Mexico has been coming from India. U.S.…

Is Mexico’s COVID-19 Peak Spilling Over Into the U.S.?

It has often been said, in particular by critics of border closures and travel restrictions during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis,…

Teachers’ Unions Offering Master Class in Pandemic Politics

TThere are certain and fairly reasonable priorities teachers have as they make their way back, or partially-back, to the classroom,…