Federation for American Immigration Reform

American Workers Must Not Be Pushed Out The Door To Protect Foreign Guest Workers

American workers and college graduates have always received the short-end of the stick when it comes to competition with foreign…

If You Can’t Dazzle Them With Brilliance, Baffle Them With…Statistics

Quartz, an online media outlet for international business professionals,styles itself as a provider of, “bracingly creative and intelligent journalism that’s…

This Isn’t What “Immigration in the National Interest” Looks Like

In one fell swoop, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the American economy to its knees and thrown many American workers…

Coronavirus Amnesty and Other Unhealthy Treatments

Exploiting America’s coronavirus epidemic, some are using the crisis to push for more immigration and a new amnesty program. The…

State and Local Politicians Move to Grant Coronavirus Relief to Illegal Aliens

State and local open borders politicians are moving to grant coronavirus relief to illegal aliens, despite millions of Americans continuing…