Federation for American Immigration Reform

7-Eleven Obeyed the Law! Oh No!

A recent article accuses convenience store chain 7-Eleven of manipulating immigration law in order to serve its corporate interests.

Motel 6 Succumbs to Open Borders Pressure Tactics

Washington’s attorney general filed suit against Motel 6 for cooperating with ICE when the agency was investigating hotel guests.

ICE: Illegal Alien Murders Three After Released by Sanctuary City

An illegal alien killed three people after being released from custody due to sanctuary laws in Missouri.

A Bipartisan Door Opens to Asylum Reform

Doris Meissner wants to school the Trump administration on how to handle an expected flood of asylum cases at the…

Minneapolis Mayor to Illegal Aliens: Don’t Say Anything!

Mayor Jacob Frey is rolling out yet another new policy placards in every police car informing illegal aliens of their…