Federation for American Immigration Reform

‘Birthright’ Babies Outnumbered Births in 16 States

Though births by illegal aliens are, by definition, difficult to quantify with exactitude, recent research estimates that 297,000 “birthright babies”…

Birthright Citizenship Simplified

Many in the media are overcomplicating birthright citizenship. Here is a simplified explanation of birthright citizenship.

Short-Sighted Media Misses the Bigger Picture About the Migrant Caravan

When Trump announced his plan to send troops to assist in securing the Southern border for the upcoming caravan, the…

Senator Asks Intelligence Community to Probe Timing of Caravan

Sen. Mark Warner who has been quiet on the caravan is now seriously questioning the “timing” of the caravan.

Drug Trafficking Hits Our Northern Border Too

Despite all the news of drug smuggling at our southern border, it happens up north as well.