Federation for American Immigration Reform

Lawmakers See Sanctuary Cities as Havens for Voter Fraud

23 members of Congress want the U.S. Department of Justice to pursue and prosecute noncitizens on voter rolls

Baltimore and the Catholic Church: “Documenting” Illegals

The Baltimore Police Department will recognize identity cards issued to “undocumented immigrants” by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Deported 15 Times, Illegal Alien Will Get Another Trip Home After Human Smuggling Deaths

Pedro Silva-Segura is going to federal prison and then back to Mexico over a deadly human smuggling scheme.

California Judge Reads Minds, Not Laws

“America First” indicates a preference for immigrants of white or European ancestry only, according to radical Judge Edward Chen.

Why Was the Owner of the Deadly Limo Allowed into the Country?

Why was Shahed Hussain the owner of the limo involved in a deadly crash allowed to enter our country in…