Federation for American Immigration Reform

Repair-ations: Texas Farmers Ask Biden to Pay for Property Damage

With the thousands of migrants crossing our border illegally every day, communities and property owners are feeling the repercussions. Many…

Tough Talk in Texas Yields Little Jail Time at Border

Texas’s crackdown on border crime is off to a problematic start. As thousands of illegal aliens pour across the Rio…

Biden Passes the Buck as Migrant Minors Settle In

A record influx of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) is burning through federal budgets, and will strain state and local services…

New Congressional Report Finds That Halting Border Wall Construction Costs Taxpayers Billions

A groundbreaking report released by Senator James Lankford (R-OK), the lead Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs…

Yes, the U.S. Should Scrap the Diversity Visa Lottery

In 1990, the Diversity Visa Lottery program began disbursing 55,000 green cards to randomized foreign nationals hailing from countries with…