Federation for American Immigration Reform

Unlikely Alliances Continue to Exploit the Southern Border

Over the past year, the escalating chaos at the southern border has raised concerns from the public. And rightfully so,…

Bible of Business Preaches for Endless Supply of Foreign Workers

“The [Department of Homeland Security] decision to issue 20,000 more visas with 6,500 specifically allocated for workers from Northern Triangle…

Arizona Legally Defines Border Crisis as ‘Invasion.’ This Means It Can Use Constitutional Powers to Defend Itself

In response to the Biden administration eviscerating the nation’s border security and immigration enforcement apparatus, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich…

Poor Texas Border County Refuses Help; Criminal Aliens Rejoice

Starr County, one of the poorest in Texas, has turned down state financial assistance to help stanch the surge of…

A Twice-Deported, Swastika-Scrawling Criminal Alien and Biden’s Foolish Deportation Policies

On January 28, 34-year-old Geraldo Pando was arrested and charged with drawing swastikas on the exterior walls of Union Station…