Federation for American Immigration Reform

Biden Too Busy to Answer Questions about the Border (During Photo-Op at a Hardware Store)

Joe Biden has now gone the longest of any president in a century before holding a formal press conference at…

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Mass Migration, Culture, and the Undermining of Women’s Rights

Immigration is usually discussed in terms of border security, national sovereignty, wages, jobs, and sometimes even the environment. However, in…

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans

President Biden has provided TPS by executive order for tens of thousands of Venezuelans living in the United States illegally.…

Biden Administration Grants Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelans. Will it Be Temporary?

The Biden administration has recently announced that it will offer Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans…

San Diego Border Patrol Encountering Record Number of Illegal Aliens With Prior Arrests for Sexual Offenses

The United States’ implementation of more lax immigration policies and weakened border security has attracted an increase of economic migrants…