foreign workers

As COVID-19 Exposes the Defects of Globalism, America Must Rediscover National Self-Reliance

The global COVID-19 pandemic – which originated in the Wuhan region of China, and which initially spread in large part…

Time to Hit the Brakes on Foreign Workers Too

President Donald Trump’s 60-day suspension of immigration into the U.S. was a responsible, albeit belated, step in coping with the…

American Workers Must Not Be Pushed Out The Door To Protect Foreign Guest Workers

American workers and college graduates have always received the short-end of the stick when it comes to competition with foreign…

This Isn’t What “Immigration in the National Interest” Looks Like

In one fell swoop, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the American economy to its knees and thrown many American workers…

Importing Foreign Nurses is Not a Long-Term Solution to Staffing Shortages

To ease the burden of the coronavirus pandemic on hospitals, both New Jersey and New York approved the fast-tracking of…