George Soros

Soros’ Doppelganger(s): The Koch Brothers

Appropriately, immigration serves as a central tool in both the Soros and Koch efforts to force their dystopian visions on…

Soros-backed group offers app to help illegal aliens avoid deportation

What if an enterprising organization developed a smartphone app that would allow an individual to warn other drunk drivers in…

George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Open Society Foundation

Recently leaked information reveals George Soros’s OSF is invested in manipulating and undermining the rule of law in Western democracies

The Amnesty Lobby, aka the Democratic Party, Drops any Pretense of Supporting Immigration Enforcement

It's time for the Democratic party leadership to put self-righteousness aside and put immigration enforcement on back their radar.

A Newspaper Editorial Sums Up The Importance of the Leaked Soros Documents

(Hint: It’s not an American Publication) Last week, hackers leaked thousands of pages of documents revealing the political agenda and…