GOP Senators Ride to Schumer’s Rescue

GOP Senators Ride to Schumer's Rescue "Nobody in the House wants to touch this bill with a 10-foot pole, and…

2 GOP Senators Attempt to Strike Border Deal

2 GOP Senators Attempt to Strike Border Deal "Two Senate Republicans closed in on a deal regarding stronger border security…

GOP Resistance to Amnesty Firming Up

GOP Resistance to Amnesty Firming Up "Resistance to a sweeping immigration overhaul is moving from conservative talk shows to the…

GOP Leadership Waits for Permission to Speak Out Against Executive Branch Abuses

The Republican leadership is outraged by the reprehensible behavior of the Obama Administration in the Benghazi cover-up, the use of…

5 Reasons GOP Should Say No to Immigration Plan

President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats need Republican support to enact a sweeping amnesty for undocumented immigrants, euphemistically known as…