
Practices of IT Outsourcing Giant on Trial in California

Will California believe Tata is guilty of discriminating against American and non-Indian workers in favor of South Asians?

Disney Wins and U.S. Workers Lose, Again

After a years-long legal fight, laid-off Disney Corp. employees this month dropped their case against the company’s practice of replacing…

Tale of Two Visas: Asleep at the Pizza Wheel?

Recently, the holder of a nonimmigrant H-1B work visa complained that federal enforcement practices amount to a penalty on small…

The Real Reason Tech Companies Demand Immigrants and Guest Workers: They’re Lousy Places to Work

Every April it's the same sob story from tech companies seeking cheap labor.

Psst…Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell: Jump In, the Water’s Warm on H-1B Reform

Psst…Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell: Jump In, the Water’s Warm on H-1B Reform