Maryland: Anti-Cooperation Bills Voted Down in Senate Committee and Withdrawn in the House

On Wednesday, March 25, the Maryland Senate Judiciary Proceedings Committee voted 6-5 to protect public safety and kill Senate Bill…

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: End Visa Overstays

Approximately 30-40 percent of illegal aliens are aliens who entered the U.S. legally but overstayed their visas. To end this…

Rep. Diane Black on ‘The ICE Shell Game’

Over the weekend, National Review Online published an editorial by Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) that highlights one example of how the Obama…

Record? Obama Deported Fewer than Carter

While Americans were preparing for the Christmas holiday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) nonchalantly issued its FY 2013 enforcement data.…

Obama’s DHS Nominees: No Experience or Under Investigation

Is the Obama administration intent on stacking the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with ill-equipped leadership? Monday evening the Senate…