Illegal Alien Crime

A Twice-Deported, Swastika-Scrawling Criminal Alien and Biden’s Foolish Deportation Policies

On January 28, 34-year-old Geraldo Pando was arrested and charged with drawing swastikas on the exterior walls of Union Station…

Eliud Montoya Murder Underscores That Illegal Migration Is Not A “Victimless Crime”

The apologists for illegal aliens all too often depict any criticism of mass illegal migration as a thinly veiled xenophobic…

San Francisco Sanctuary Policy Shielded Hate Crime Suspect from Deportation

In San Francisco, an illegal alien with a lengthy criminal record held up an Asian American family at gunpoint in…

Deporting Illegal Alien Bad Guys Is Not “Anti-Immigrant.” It Is Pro-Victim And Pro-Common-Sense

The open-borders crowd all too often depicts mentions of illegal alien crime, and even the deporting of criminal aliens, as…

The Death of a North Carolina Father of Two Sheds Light on Illegal Alien Crime

In the early morning hours of March 29, Cheston Gerard Edwards of Kinston, North Carolina – a father of two…