illegal alien

Acting Director of EOIR Forbids Judges from Using Term “Illegal Alien”

In a recent memo to all employees of the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), Acting Director Jean King instructed…

Illegal Alien No-Show Rates Skyrocket After Catch-and-Release

The Biden administration’s return to the horrendous catch-and-release policy has set a precedent for defying orders. Although, that shouldn’t come…

MAGA Hat Trick Puts Illegal Alien on ICE

President Donald Trump maintains that Mexico “is not sending their best” to America. A recent incident in Massachusetts suggests that…

Of Course Landlords Should Be Able to Report Illegal Alien Tenants

If a landlord suspects their tenant of a crime, they can call the police. Why should it be different with illegal…

Campus “Inclusivity” Policies are Protecting Feelings, But Not Freedoms

The decision by the University of Colorado-Boulder to remove the term “illegal aliens” from its library catalog demonstrates how academic…