illegal aliens

The $150 Billion Drain On The U.S. Economy

A little talked about byproduct of mass immigration into the United States is the staggering amount of money that leaves…

New York Politicians Ignore Public’s Opposition To Driver’s Licenses For Illegal Aliens

While New York’s elected officials have never shied away from approving laws or policies that afford generous benefits to illegal…

In Fact, Neither France Nor The U.S. Belong To Illegal Aliens

It appears that illegal aliens in France (known as “les sans-papiers,” which translates to “the ones without papers”) have begun…

Illegal Immigration’s Drag on San Antonio

By the lights of a shiny new study touting the supposed economic benefits of immigration, the South Texas city of…

Trump and Cher Agree: Housing Aid is for Legal Residents

Absurd as it sounds, some 32,000 illegal alien households receive federal housing assistance, with many thousands more on waiting lists.…