illegal aliens

Illegal Aliens Aren’t Victims, Actions Have Consequences

Buzzfeed claims to, “break big stories that hold major institutions accountable for their actions, and expose injustices that change people's…

Pregnancy Is No “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free” Card

In January 2017, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ended its practice of releasing all pregnant immigration violators who were…

New York Plans Dedicated “Hand-Holders” for Illegal Aliens Seeking Tuition Subsidies

The New York Legislature began 2019 by passing a state “DREAM Act,” granting in-state tuition and financial aid to illegal…

Congress Fails To Act On “Child Recycling”

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is alarmed at the increasing trend of illegal aliens fraudulently claiming children as their own in order…

Lawsuit: Conducting Deportation Hearings By Video Violates Due Process

They may be working pro bono, but a group of taxpayer-funded legal aid and pro-amnesty activists should get overtime for…