illegal aliens

Illegals demand right to life, liberty and perfectly-set thermostats

Illegal aliens caught by the Border Patrol while crossing into the United States are complaining that their holding cells are…

Major University Finds that Illegal Aliens Feel They Are Discriminated Against “Due to Being Undocumented”

Ever wonder why going to university nowadays can leave parents broke, or kids with a mountain of debt? If you…

Americans: Overlooked and Underpaid

Without considering the needs of his fellow Americans, an activist farmer in Michigan is calling for blanket amnesty on behalf…

Soros-backed group offers app to help illegal aliens avoid deportation

What if an enterprising organization developed a smartphone app that would allow an individual to warn other drunk drivers in…

Pants on Fire! SPLC Flat-Out Lies about FAIR

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has a well-documented history of promulgating lies.