illegal aliens

Setting the Record Straight: California’s Pardons and Commutations on Illegal Aliens Won’t Protect Them from Removal

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent signing of pardons, commutations, and medical reprieves involving at least 10 illegal aliens facing deportation…

Gimme Shelter: Guatemala Seeks Temporary Protected Status

In the wake of a hurricane that killed an estimated 50-150 people, Guatemala is asking the U.S. to provide Temporary…

Wisconsin Legislators Push for Law Change to Allow DACA Illegal Aliens to Become Police Officers

Two Republican legislators, Representatives Dave Steffen (Green Bay) and John Macco (Ledgeview) are seeking to change a Wisconsin law to…

Excluding Illegal Aliens from Congressional Reapportionment Is Common Sense

On July 21, President Trump issued a memorandum to the Secretary of Commerce to exclude illegal aliens from the congressional…

Supreme Court: Expedited Removal is For Asylum Seekers Who Enter Illegally

Score another victory for fast-track deportations of those attempting to game the system. On the heels of an appellate court…