illegal workers

In Georgia, One Illegal Alien Lives the American Dream (at the Expense of Others)

While many Americans were struggling to pay their bills, a Mexican national illegally living in Georgia was raking in millions…

A State Of The Union Stunt Makes The Case For E-Verify

At least two illegal workers formerly employed by Trump businesses will be in the House gallery for the president’s State…

Punishing Businesses for Complying with U.S. Immigration Law Hurts Everybody – Except the Open Border Protesters

Some people are angry and protesting over a New York City bakery that is actually enforcing our immigration laws.

ICE Resolves to Step Up Worksite Enforcement in 2018

ICE is planning on cracking down on illegal alien workers and the employers who hire them in 2018.

What draws undocumented workers

Mr. William Chip, a FAIR board member, responded to a recent Washington Post article by Michael Gerson about GOP campaigns'…